Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Birthday Party with many blessings

A few weeks ago our Mission President asked all the Senior Couple Missionaries to visit the families in our area that have missionaries serving now.  We were assigned to visit 5 families.  One missionary, Elder Khash-Erdene, serving from our area is the only member of the Church in his family. We called about a week ahead of time to set an appointment to visit with them.  We did not know what to expect. When we arrived they were so warm and welcoming. The parents, Bartsuksh and Tserenhand moved to Darkhan just last November.  Their son was going to the university here before his mission. Debbie presented a loaf of her famous French bread. They made a wonderful Mongolian dinner for us and we had a great conversation about the Church and the gospel. As we were about to leave Tserenhand gave Debbie a light green Dell she had made for her! A "Dell" is a traditional outer garment worn for special occasions  and events like Naadam and  Tsagaan Sar.  They gave me a beautiful, copper plate with Mongolian  traditional art work etched on it. What a wonderful couple--a joy to visit!
This past Sunday we celebrated my 66th birthday. I am now full retirement age.  We invited them for dinner to celebrate with us. It just so happened that it was Tserenhand's birthday that day.  We had one of Debbie's special salads, salmon with hollandaise sauce, rice pilaf and steamed broccoli. For dessert we had cake, of course, but not just any cake---  German  Chocolate cake. It is my very favorite cake and Debbie makes it from scratch once a year for my birthday. We had to go UB to find evaporated milk and coconut.  We could not find any German Chocolate cooking bars, but did fine some really wonderful baking chocolate  bars.  The cake was amazing!!  

It was special day because I am married to the most wonderful wife. I have amazing kids that used Google Hangout to see all of them at one time and hear how they are doing. It was wonderful receiving so many birthday greetings on Facebook and email.


Thanks to you all for everything!!