Sunday, July 7, 2013

Dinner at the Purevdorj's

We spent a wonderful evening with our translator's family. They served us dinner--horse meat, cabbage, potatoes, and carrots. We thought the horse meat tasted a lot like beef. I don't believe I could tell the difference! Actually it was probably the most tender and tasty meat that we have had since our arrival!!! It was very lean, and no fat or gristle. We were told that horse meat is healthier than any other meat.  It's a tradition to serve hot water with a little milk added. We've had it in other members homes. I prefer just the hot water without the milk. This family uses no seasoning whatsoever. Everything is cooked and eaten without salt, pepper or herbs and spices.
Their home is located in the ger district, where most families have a very small house and a ger as well. The family has beautiful singing voices and favored us with a beautiful song. They aren't without trials, but they have such great faith. The two oldest children have served missions, including Nyam-Od, our translator. One of their sons had his hand burnt very badly a few years ago. It's a horrible story how it happened, but I won't go into that. He had to have surgery, which caused the family to have to sell everything that they owned in order to pay for the surgery. They were going to have to amputate it, but the mother said "no", then asked that he have a Priesthood Blessing. The next day, the doctor looked at his hand and asked what they had done to make it heal so quickly. They told the doctor about the Church and a short time later he and his family were baptized. Well yesterday, the son injured his bad hand and was in such pain, the Mom asked that he be given a blessing in the middle of the night. Right after the blessing, the pain subsided and he was able to fall asleep. As they told us about their son, it made me think of the time that the doctors wanted to amputate Joseph Smith's leg, but the mom said, "No."
It was Fast and Testimony Sunday today. Soon after the Branch President sat down, about 10 youth jumped up wanting to bear their testimonies. They all spoke about the wonderful youth conference that took place this past week. They walked over 35 miles in two days with handcarts! One youth talked about a large, steep mountain they had to climb and everyone had to push or pull to get the carts up the mountain and said it was a miracle that they made it to the top. They all felt that angels were helping them.  They learned a lot about strength in numbers and teamwork.  There were about 400 youth from around Mongolia than attended the conference.


  1. You both may never believe this but I am a very picky eater. Did you know that horse use to be a delicacy many years ago in parts of the world? Would you like something from the good old U.S.A. I would be glad to send it if it is not against the rules. I cant see either of you breaking rules and as I finally matured, I am more of a conformist. I spent some time last month with Kathy Aller in Oregon. It is one of the most beautiful.states in the continental U.S. I love your blog. You two do not look a day older than when I helped you clean and pack many years ago. Miss you two!

  2. What beautiful testimonies! I wish I had been there! Hard to believe but the your stories are even more beautiful than the pictures.

  3. Our boys went on a Pioneer Trek this summer too, so it was cool to read that the youth participate in those in Mongolia as well. Very neat.
