Wednesday, June 5, 2013

We have almost completed our three weeks of training here at the Missionary Training Center (MTC).  Two weeks ago we finished the classroom training and student teaching. We were required to teach foreign language missionaries who are trying to learn English.  It was really hard but we succeeded and received our teaching certification. We had the privilege of teaching 3 Sisters and 3 Elders. The Elders left for their mission before we got their pictures.


Last week we spent four days immersed in learning Mongolian with four different tutors. Chris Finut, Ryan Jolley, Brad Warner and Bothlorma (a native Mongolian). The experience was wonderful and really helped us learn a lot.  We also met with the younger missionaries preparing to go to Mongolia. We joined them on culture day where they dressed in some of the local garb, discussed traditions, difference in cultures and do's and don'ts.

This week we are being trained on Preach My Gospel helping to understand more effective ways to communicate with those interested in learning more about Christ Church.  We will finish up Friday and fly to Mongolia Saturday evening.  We will travel to Los Angeles, then to Beijing China and on to Ulaanbaatar the capital. We are extremely excited and ready to go to serve the Lord and the people of Mongolia.  Here is the standard MTC pictures of us pointing to the country where we have been called to serve.

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