Friday, July 12, 2013

More Nadaam Festival

Nadaam Festival Day Two
Day 2 of Naadam. Here is a picture of the first camels we've seen since coming to Mongolia. They are endangered 2-humped Bactrian camels. We were told that when we drive through the countryside that we are likely to see a camel or two just running loose, but we never did. They had these camels at the festival to charge for pictures and/or rides so we jumped at the opportunity. They are actually beautiful animals, not as gross as I remember them at the zoo back in the states.
You probably know the two humps store fat that can be turned into water and energy when water is scarce. They can go several weeks without water if needed, especially in the Gobi Desert in southern Mongolia. They can drink 30 gallons of water in 13 minutes when they do find water! There was neither saddle, nor reins to hold onto. I'm glad I watched someone ride it before us so that I knew to hang onto the front hump when the camel drops to it's knees in order for the rider to get off. So remember that the first time you ride a camel otherwise you might be flipped head over heels! 

They had hundreds of vendors of Hosherr at the festival. It is the golden-fried item on the left. Dan is addicted already. They usually contain mutton, but they can be other meats. We were told that each time you try one, they taste a little different. I guess it totally depends on the meat. They also will do a mixture of different meats. A lot of times the meat is full of gristle. As we walked among the gers, we noticed bowls full of raw ground meat just sitting on the floors of the gers, without refrigeration,  ready to be fried in the dough. (And the weather is hot here! The summers here are not cold, like we thought!)
Most of the vendors had a ger at the festival where they fry the hosherr, then the customer sits under an awning to enjoy the meal. And of course sold with warm pop or juice. I would sure like to know how many hosherr are sold throughout the country during Naadam. As part of the introductions in our English class, the students were to tell us their favorite food. Most everyone in the class said, "Hosherr", some said, "Bowz" (Pictured on the right.) and one said, "Pizza". :)

In the opening exercises the military was dressed in full uniform and marched around the stadium. There was the Air Force, Army and Police. 

They then introduced all the wrestlers. There are no weight classes. The skinny ones have to take on the heavy weights. It doesn't seem quite fair. The skinny ones should at least start out by wrestling some of those who are closer to their weight. When the heavy weight wins he throws his hands in the air, they place a traditional, pointed hat on them and they run up and take a bow. It doesn't seem all that great to us when a 250 pounder pummels a 140 pounder. :)

The brother of our translator (Nyam-Od) won his first wrestling match of the Nadaam Festival. His name is Sugar (Suegar) and is wearing the red shirt. He will wrestle again tomorrow.

We were, of course, the hit of the Naadam event.  They crowned me King and Debbie Queen.  I tried to knight a few people but when I tried to draw my sword they ran away.  I don't understand why!  It was too heavy for me to pull out anyway. 

Debbie was a good sport to put all of that on, even though it crushed her hair.  I was in pain actually. The helmet weighed about 20 pounds I think and had a big leather strap that was pressing into my forehead. But it was fun to dress up for Naadam. 

1 comment:

  1. You both look like royalty. You will have to customize the head gear for the celestial kingdom. Maybe the sewing class can help with that!
