Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Another First Tonight

We have been stacking up the "firsts" since we arrived.  Tonight brought another one, Liver Meatloaf. As my Dad would say, "That was different!  More than a few other firsts includes; being in Mongolia, Debbie and I sleeping in bunk beds after 42 years, sleeping in a Ger with plenty of neighborhood bugs, eating goat milk cheese, eating goat milk yogurt candy with the most disgusting smell and taste, even worse is drinking horse milk fermented with yeast sitting in the sun all day called airag, drinking watered down raisin  juice, eating hoshers and boz, watching mothers nursing their babies anywhere and anytime, seeing a large amount of manholes with no covers, open construction trenches and holes with no guards, people walking all over, under, around and through construction sites, sweet potatoes that are a whitish yellow inside not red or orange, skinned carcasses being hauled around on wooden handcarts down the street, riding a camel, eating horse meat (which is very good by the way), teaching English classes, bearing our testimony in Mongolian, seeing maintenance men make a huge, dirty mess and we are expected to clean up after them, street sweepers using little brooms, having someone come in every other week to clean our apartment.  Well, there are more but that's enough for to night.  Our love to all.

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