Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Darken Zone MIssionary Christmas Party

Wednesday, December 25th, Christmas Day was wonderful.  We were invited to the Early Morning Seminary Class at the New Darkhan Branch. It started at 6:30am. The teacher and his wife are an awesome couple. The kids really love them and the students are so diligent in reading scriptures and offering their testimonies.

Would you believe that youth between the ages of 14 and 18 get up early, all over the world to attend a religious-study class each morning before school? Many of you have probably never heard of such a thing. These faithful young people come each day to gain strength against the adversary and to increase their knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

 It was a great spiritual way to start Christmas Day.  Here are some of the kids, and others that were there. The couple served some tasty food and treats after the class.

We then went to the Old Darkhan Branch to begin setting up tables and chairs, decorating, preparing food and music, etc. There were 32 missionaries in attendance from our Zone.  There were speakers, hymns, lots of food and caroling. We also had a white-elephant gift exchange. It was a hit with the rest of the missionaries!
The three senior couple missionaries performed the Twelve Days of Christmas.  It is such a long tradition in the Fredley family we didn't want a Christmas without it. :) We calculated we have been doing the actions to the carol for 35 years with our kids. (You can view the performance on our facebook page.)
We then finished a wonderful day with three youth baptisms from the Old Darkhan Branch.

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