Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sun Child Pizza and a Movie #2

 Last Fall we hosted a Pizza Party and the kids loved it so we had a 2nd Pizza and a
Movie Night.

They all pull kitchen duty and are experts in making dough. We provided the flour, sauce, pepperoni, pineapple, red and yellow peppers and mozzarella cheese. Pepperoni is nearly impossible to find here, but we found one place that has it from time to time. She had six, large sticks, so we bought them all. One for later use.  Aanka, above, has twin brothers and twin sisters and they are all at Sun Child.

They enjoyed assembling them and knew how to keep watch in the large commercial ovens they have. Hosoo is grating the mozzarella.

Batsetseg and Muungoo are oiling the pans on the right.


Pizza, hot out of the oven!!! Mardla is in the green. She is one of the staff and speaks very good English. She was our translator that night.

We made 6 pans this size for 30 people. Some of the kids were at camp this week.

Afterward, we had ice cream bars and watched a movie in Russian. Most of the children are learning Japanese and of course English. Not many know Russian, but I guess they are use to watching movies in other languages. Last time we watched The Crudes in English.  It was a fun evening just being with them. On July 4th, about half of them will leave for their tour in Japan.

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