The City has funding to help people buy Gers. They were given 1.2 million tugriks. They found a used one for 450,000 tugs. The rest of the money was used to buy more insulation, stove, ger cover and other supplies needed to set up a home. They are required to show receipts for all purchases related to the home. It takes about 6 to 8 people to set up a ger. I had the privilege of helping put it together. Four of the missionaries helped, along with one of the Old Darkhan members, two neighbors and the Relief Society President. It was quite an experience and it was the coldest day of the season! It was COLD. It took 6 hours, but it was just in time for our first major snow storm last evening! We got about 3 inches that will now be here until May.
As you can see they use a shovel and a big scraper to level the ground.
Then they start with lashing the lattice work together, called khana, for the walls.
Next the roof ring (looks like a wheel) and two pillars are tied together in what is now called the Toono. It is placed facing South to allow them to follow the Sun through the open hole in the roof.
One person holds the Toono in place while the poles, called Uni, are installed . At the end of each Uni is a small rope loop. It is twisted until it can fit tightly on the top of a wall rung to make it all stable.
See the video on our Facebook page showing how they get the roof materials in place.
The outer white cover is shaped so that there are openings where the door and roof will be. The white cover must be arranged so that these are in the appropriate places and then stretched over the entire yurt so that there are not any creases visible. This white cover is made of water-proof material which hasn't been available until recently.
The outer straps, khoshlon, are then drawn around. These straps are very important because it actually "strengthens" the entire ger! Two or three straps should be used at different heights in order to provide equally distributed stability.
The others are Elder Murat, Brother Nyamsuren, Elder Palmer, Sister Tsevelmaa RS President, and Elder Cannell. Elder Batsaikan missed out and I took the picture.
Thank you so much for the pictures and the information! I am so glad that Nicholas (Elder Palmer) was being helpful. He is a strong boy and I am glad he could help out with the ger. I hope he is working hard for you! He loves Darkhan. Thank you so much! Jeanette