Sunday, January 4, 2015

A Joyful Evening!

Last Friday evening Brother Daasha was baptized. We met this family a few months after arriving in Mongolia. The whole family were members except the Dad. The family and many others have prayed and fasted for him that he would be baptized. He has been investigating the church for 7 years, then recently, one day he felt he needed to be baptized "now". He had one obstacle to overcome and that was to quit smoking. There is a commandment in the Church called the
Word of Wisdom which requires it's members to refrain from coffee and tea, alcohol and tobacco. Our bodies house our spirits and as we keep this commandment we are promised great blessings of health. Daash had tried to quit smoking many times and actually got down to a few cigarettes a day.
But it wasn't until he made the commitment to be baptized that the Lord helped him overcome smoking all together.  
Daasha looked so happy.  After he was baptized he bore a humble testimony of the gospel and how he had prayed for help.  
These are the Sister Missionaries that have been teaching him.
There are 7 children in the Daasha family, but one could not be there. The rest of the family each bore a sweet testimony and expressed how happy they were to see their dad baptized. The younger daughter told how happy she was that their family can all live with Heavenly Father again. The brother to the left of Daasha is President Daavka, the Branch President of Old Darkhan. 
We are grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ on the earth that help us to become more Christlike. By following the Savior, we can have peace and happiness in our lives. Life has it's challenges, but as we keep the commandments, try to do what's right and love one another, we can have joy in the journey!

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