Friday, September 13, 2013

A Great Week!

This has been a great week. We were assigned three families in the Old Darkhan Branch to Home Teach.  All three were inactive. We also met with one family that recently lost two daughters within two weeks.  They had a Buddhist funeral for them even though the mother, and a few others are members. One of the daughters age 49 was fighting cancer for 3 years,  The other daughter was 34. She had a couple of abscessed teeth and would not get them taken care of due to cost.  The infection spread to the rest of the body and took her life. 

This past Sunday three of the four families attended church.

The fourth family consists of the parents and four children.  The father and two boys joined the church four years ago and are now inactive.  The one son and one daughter were too young for baptism. The wife was not interested.  The father is in remission after fighting cancer the past 3 years.  He was unemployed. We told him we would help him find a job.  He said he wanted to work as a security guard. On our second meeting with them the wife felt the spirit and agreed to take the discussions. We had Family Home Evening with this family on Monday where we taught the second discussion on the Plan of Salvation. We set up an appointment for the father to come to our apartment to get a white shirt, tie and black pants to go to the employment office.  They set up an immediate interview for him. We took him to a hospital where he was interviewed and was asked who we were and why we were with him. He said they are leaders in his church and were helping him find a job. He asked which church which opened up a good conversation. 

We talked about the Word of Wisdom and that this good Brother does not drink or smoke. (Alcoholism is a major problem here among men.)  He was offered the job as a Security Guard on the spot and was asked if his wife worked. He said yes as a cleaning lady.  The man offered to hire her too at twice what she is making now.  So they will be making $18 a day between the two of them instead of living on the $3 a day that the wife was bringing home!! We know that prayers are being answered.

Today we are meeting with two sisters that are handicapped to find them some nice clothes to wear for interviews at the Employment office on Monday. They come from a very poor and multiple handicapped family. It's a very sad situation.  We hope to be successful in getting them jobs that will greatly impact this families situation. Right now the whole family walks everyday all over the city collecting plastic and glass bottles for money. They average about $1
.60 a day for the bottles they collect.  We are working on some short term solutions to their situation, but the jobs is the goal for long term. We are praying they will have the same success as the other family. As tough as their situation is they are always smiling.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I was so excited to find your mission blog. My son is in the MTC and is scheduled to arrive in Mongolia in November. I am so glad to read about your experiences. If you would like to see his blog here is the link:

    I hope the special needs individuals got a job, too!
