Monday, September 23, 2013

Pizza Party at Sun Child

This was a very busy week again for us.  Sunday's are always packed. Monday we spent trying to get the handicapped sisters a job.  They interviewed at one place but the supervisor was rude to them.  I am sure they were not interested.  They can get employment at a meat processing plant, cleaning out stomachs of animals. That may be their only option. One of the sisters is very anxious to have that job. I understand that it pays better than cleaning the street. It better! :) We will still continue trying to find something for them.

I (Dan) have been assigned by the District President to plan and provide a Young Single Adult  (YSA) Conference for the 18-30 year old members. As we researched dates for the event we were forced to select Saturday October 5th. Only two weeks away. So Tuesday was spent making numerous calls to YSA representatives from each of the 6 Branches to collect ideas and get a plan put in place. Tuesday evening is our weekly District Presidency Meeting that usually lasts 2 1/2 hours, due to translations.

Wednesday we teach two English classes at the New Darkhan Building and four lessons at Sun Child.  As you can see from the two blogs below we were extremely busy Friday and Saturday. We worked the Open House Friday and Saturday, squeezing in the handicapped childrens event on Friday and then the Sun Child Pizza Party!on Saturday.

After the Old Darkhan Open House we did some quick shopping and rushed over to the Sun Child Orphanage to make six huge pizza's.

The orphanage has a large commercial size Kitchen Aid type dough making machine, although it may be over 10 years old.  I think it could make 50 pounds of dough at a time.  Every kid there knows how to use it. Everyone takes turns in all duties in the kitchen, cleaning the building, maintaining the garden and greenhouse, laundry, etc. They know how to work. We had them grate 15 pounds of mozzarella cheese, slice 8 red peppers and 5 sticks of pepperoni. 

The older ones also opened the cans of pasta sauce and pineapple tidbits with KNIVES!  They don't have a can opener and other common kitchen appliances and utensils. This is Zoogii, on the right. He is the son of the Director of Sun Child.  He will be going to Chicago in January to attend school there. We are currently working with him on his English one on one each week. His English is pretty good, actually, and has a huge vocabulary. He just needs to practice conversation, so we come up with topics for the following week and then discuss.

Each of the children helped assemble the pizzas.
We had a great time.  The commercial oven handles four large pans at a time.  Each pizza was 18"x26".  We ate all 6 of them!

We then watched "The Croods" and finished up with ice cream cones.  There are only 22 in this picture, but all 37 kids were with us.  Some left before we took this picture.  It was exhausting, but fun. They each said "Thank You" numerous times. They are all so sweet and loving. We get lots of hugs all the time! Ok, we're softies!  We love them!
Sunday we woke up to see snow on the mountains and hills that surround Darkhan.

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