Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Baby, it's cold outside!

This is us on a -28 below zero, sunny day. 

They keep telling us it's going to get cold in January!!!!!
What fun?
Cant wait!
We are acclimating to the colder temperatures and not letting it slow us down. Before leaving the states, we were told that we would need to wear two sets of under armor in the winter. We had a hard time believing it, but it is true. How cold is it here in Darkhan? Well with the wind chill, the coldest it has been so far is -28 degrees Fahrenheit. We have been told that it will get colder! We have not had our eyelids freeze shut yet, so that is a plus. It happens. Several people keep telling me that I do not dress warm enough and that the wool coat that I bought before I came is not warm enough. We will see. The only place I feel cold right now is on my face, so I did go out and purchase a long heavy scarf to wrap around the face a few times.

We will definitely be having a white Christmas. It is so cold here, that when it snows in November and December it stays until April. It's not like in Utah or Kansas where it snows and then melts later in the day. It's beautiful, BUT UNFORTUNATELY the ice stays all winter as well. :(  I have to hold onto Dan's arm constantly so HE doesn't fall. :) Dan and I were walking along and I slipped so fast I didn't realize what had happened until I was on the ground. Dan kept on walking not knowing that had even fallen.  I have been holding his arm firmly ever since. Fortunately I wasn't hurt. Two members have recently fallen, one broke his arm and the other cracked his ribs! Two of the younger Sister Missionaries fell at the same time. We see a lot of people around town falling because of the ice.

Speaking of ice, they do not have snow removal trucks or salt and sand trucks here in Darkhan. But, they do have a lot of people who work for the street department chipping ice at 7 a.m. They then sweep the ice up with a shovel and throw it on the sidewalks. Few businesses will remove snow and ice from the sidewalk in front of their shops.

We took a taxi to Erdenet on Sunday, a 2 and 1/2 hour drive. The temperature "felt like" -28 degrees Fahrenheit. There was NO heat in the taxi. Mongolians say, "That's normal!" :(  It was cold! I kept my hat and gloves on the whole way and a scarf around my face. Dan's toes were frozen! :(


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