Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Orphanage Open House for New Kitchen Appliances November 23, 2013

After just a couple of months working at the orphanage we noticed the old appliances they were using in the kitchen.  The TINY refrigerator was broken and a recent inspection by the health department threatened to close them down without a working refrigerator.  Other equipment was old and broke down often as well, costing them a lot of money for continuous repairs.  We contacted Deseret International Charities (D.I.C.) to see if they could help.  They asked us to put together a proposal of what the orphanage needed and submit it for review. They said proposals like this usually take 2-3 months to get approval. It took some time to locate a distributor, identify the right equipment and pricing.

       Here is the old soup cooker.                                         The old cooking table.

We were so surprised when we heard the proposal was approved within two weeks and we could order the equipment!!  The story is much longer than this but D.I.C. felt it was so worthy a project it passed it right through the Ulaanbaatar office and then the Hong Kong office where final approval was given.
Here are the new appliances which included: A new, LARGE refrigerator, a commercial-size, electric soup pot and cook table,  an electric range, a commercial-size dough maker, a large washing machine for the girls dorm, an industrial vacuum, and an electric water kettle.  It truly helped their shoe-string budget.  With the money she had allocated for on-going repairs they were able to  purchase new, much-needed carpeting for the boy's and girl's dorms.

They were so thrilled to get all of the new appliances that they painted the kitchen before it all arrived. They put up new curtains and their art teacher even designed and personally made new cabinet doors!

Below is the new cook table (left) and soup pot (right).             

The New Kitchen Cabinet Look

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