Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sagaan Sar Opening Events! An Amazing Day

Sagaan Sar is the biggest celebration of the year in Mongolia. It is their New Years celebration.  Sagaan Sar means "White Moon".  It is not the Chinese New Year, it is strictly Mongolian.  This year it falls on January 31st as the "first day", of a three day feast. On the 30th they clean their homes from top to bottom. This is also a time for the people to pay off any debts that they owe. In the weeks before Sagaan Sar they prepare byyz (boodz), thousands of them. Most make between 1000 to 2000, bigger families make 3000 to 4000. They invite family and special guests on the first day which is Friday this year.  We have 8 invitations starting at 8:30 am until 8:00 pm Friday evening.  We are told we need to eat 6-8 byyz at each place we visit.  We heard one large American missionary ate 400 byyz over the 3 days. We plan on many less. We've been told not to take any hostess gifts, but that they will give you gifts!
Today was planned for foreigners to attend a get- to-know Sagaan Sar event. It started with a demonstration of how to make byyz, traditional clothes to wear, vendors selling Mongolian crafts and art, contortionists, a large childrens group performing traditional songs and dance, slide show and displays.

Here we are wearing the traditional "Huntaaz".
We were told to wear a "Dell", which is full length, with long sleeves and worn with a belt.
They look like robes but made with a heavier, elaborate material. They are very warm. They are usually worn by the older generation year round. During national celebrations many people wear them. Instead
of the Dell, Huntaaz are acceptable to visit the homes we have been invited to during Sagaan Sar.

That was followed by a professional group of dancers, musicians and singers. It was wonderful.

They then escorted us to the City Museum to show us enlarged photos taken by a famous American photographer a hundred years ago. There were also a tyrannosaurus rex, pterodactyl and other dinosaur era displays and other artifacts. They gave a prize to the foreigners that wore the best Mongolian clothing. Debbie and I won. Since we were the ONLY foreigners wearing the traditional clothing, we won by default! :) We sure appreciated the gifts!!

We then attended the big wrestling match. As you may know from our Nadaam Festival photos and stories, wrestling is huge here.

Then the BIG surprise!! After the wrestling event the city leaders announced all of the winners in many different categories.  Our own Sun Child School was chosen as the "Best Family in the City of Darkhan.  This is one of the very top awards. The biggest award is given to the "Best Citizen for 2013".  Out of 13 key individuals chosen, again, our own Sun Child Director, Erdene Chaluun won!! They presented her with this unique, traditional art with Mongolian script. We were so excited for her and the school!!! She is so deserving! She not only runs the school, but runs kindergartens for homeless children. She does a great job and works hard to make the kids feel welcomed and loved. The Director helps so many to develop talents they never new they had, to develop a strong work ethic and self confidence.
What a wonderful surprise and a great day!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting beautiful pictures! And you both look amazing wearing traditional outfits. Have a wonderful Tsagaan Sar celebration and visiting many families and eating A LOT of buuz. :)
