Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Trip to Russian Border and Altan Bulag Valley

On our way to the city of  Selenge and the Russian border we spotted a herd of camels about a quarter mile from the road.   Debbie loves camels so we ran to catch up with them and it was quite a sight! (Wish we had a video of us running. LOL!)

There were a number of white ones which are beautiful to see! Many were molting. This was are first herd of camels that we've seen since we came to Mongolia. We arrived in Darkhan one year ago this day!!

This one was acting cool!!

They stopped and grazed for a short time so we could walk amongst them and take some pictures.  It was pretty exciting. They are not aggressive--pretty tame. Someone asked if they were dangerous. We are not experts on the behavior of camels, but the few we've been around have been rather docile. We weren't sure if they would kick so we didn't walk behind them. :) We've met many Mongolians who have been kicked by horses, but never heard of anyone kicked by a camel.

Here we are on the Mongolian side of the border.

They were not happy about us taking pictures at the border. It was pretty restricted. 

On the Russian side now by about 2 feet.  Well, we've been to Russian. Done that!!! (No stamp in our passports, though.)

This is the entrance to the Alton Bulag National Park. Altan Bulag means "Golden Spring".


The picnic tables are made of stone. 


This is one of the most beautiful areas we have seen of Mongolia. The view was fantastic!

Unfortunately, you cannot visualize how high above the valley we are.  This is where the Selenge River (TOP) merges with the Kyakhat River from Russia. The view on the right is in Russia.

This is a rocky bluff next to the one we are standing on. It is an amazing sight. It was great day, spending time with the other Senior Couples serving in Mongolia and seeing the beautiful sights!

This is our interpreter Munguntuya and her husband Davka.  He did the driving for 3 of the Senior Couples They are such a great couple with two children.  Behind them is a Russian Orthodox Church that is in the town across the border from where we were.


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures.....what a wonderful experience you are both having!!!!! Happy Belated birthday senior boy! LOL
