Thursday, April 30, 2015

Goodbye Mongolia

Well, this will be our final post while here. We are in the Capital city Ulaanbaatar until Friday when we fly out. We are being processed out of immigration and the mission.

The Director, Teachers and Staff at Sun Child School, where we were teaching English, made beautiful Mongolia traditional Dells for us and then took us to a photo studio for a portrait. What an honor to be presented this wonderful gift. They also presented us with a beautiful painting on cowhide and other gifts.

The photographer made us pose in traditional Mongolian style. Our hands and stature were modeled. Usually the men don't smile like I am.

Debbie and I were handling all of this pretty well until Monday evening as we were loading our bags on the mission vehicle. Debbie and I were in the apartment doing some final packing and cleaning when we received a call that some of the teachers were outside to see us. When we went down all the Sun Child kids and Staff were there. They gave us multiple hugs and thanks and then sang to us. (See our Facebook for the video). That's when the tears really came!!! They gave each of us a bouquet of flowers and more hugs. We will miss them terribly!!!!


To add to all this a number of members from the Old and New Darkhan Branches showed up to wish us farewell and present gifts.

This has been an amazing adventure and a truly overwhelming spiritual experience. We will have great memories that will last the rest of our lives. We have fallen in love with this country and the people. How we will miss all the wonderful friends we have made.

It has been an honor to serve a full time mission and to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel changes lives. We have seen it over and over. Missions are wonderful!

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