Sunday, April 19, 2015

Our Final English Lessons and More!

We taught our final English classes last week.

On Saturday we hosted a Sloppy Joe Dinner for all the Sun Child children and staff. They loved them. We also served juice for all and ice cream bars for dessert.
 They helped make the dough and bake the buns. Even the young boys can make expert rolls and buns!
They chopped lots of cabbage for Cole Slaw. Here in Mongolia, the only knife used is the cleaver, for the most part. They cut like a pro and are they fast!!

The children also assisted in cooking the meat, onions, etc., and adding all of the spices.  They had never heard of Sloppy Joe's before this event. The only spice that Mongolians use is salt!!

At the end of dinner the Director, Staff and Kids sang a surprise Happy Birthday to me, and presented me with this large, beautiful hand-cut silhouette using an X-acto knife!! The fine work and minute details are amazing! This is Muugii, our wonderful interpreter. She has worked so hard for us and helped us accomplished so much more.

Today, Sunday, we went to Sun Child to get final pictures of all the kids and staff, since they are gone so much during the week with school and after-school activities. Sitting next to Debbie is the Director-Teacher. A few months ago she was awarded the "Top Mom" of all Mongolia. She has 40 children--she definitely deserves it! :) She is a dedicated, extraordinary person. We love this group!
When we return we are going to try to find a promoter, agency, school or organization to get them to tour the U.S. They have toured Japan each year for 14 years performing and making money to help support the orphanage. The last two years Disney Japan has hired them to perform in their big theater and they have sold out the performances. We hope to have a demo reel on YouTube soon for organizations to see some of their dances, songs, instrumentals and contortions.  They are amazing kids with an abundance of talent. The Director believes every child has talents they can learn and share.

The children are so loving and give us hugs whenever we see them. They have touched our lives. We will miss them terribly, but we have wonderful memories to last a lifetime!

We love and have missed all of our friends and family back in the States! We look forward to our return and seeing all of you. We have lots of experiences and memories to share.

Thanks for following our adventures.
Elder & Sister Fredley

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